It depends on where you are. Orders processed here will take 5-7 business days to arrive. Delivery details will be provided in your confirmation email.
Where can I find my control number?
Once your articles have been submitted, you will receive an email from us with a tracking number.
Which payment methods do you accept?
We accept payment by Paypal, bank contact and credit card, and also accept funding by Sezzle. If you are not sure if your payment method is accepted, follow the steps on the payment page to verify your payment method.
Is it safe to buy online?
We use Paypal, Bank contact, Mastercard, Credit cart and also the Sezzle platform to process all our orders via a secure payment system.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
Contact us if you have questions or comments about your order.
How can I cancel or return my order?
To send a return, simply contact our customer service and we will inform you of the delivery address for the return. Once you have confirmed your return, you can send the product back to us with a courier of your choice.